Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blessing of "Looking Closely"

My father-in-law is a diabetic and has macular degeneration. I have spent a lot of time with him and his wife lately. Because of some health problems they've been experiencing, they have needed lots of extra care from all of us. Pop's vision is deteriorating at a rapid rate and what he can see is being reduced to a miniscule area. His vision problems, coupled with his diminishing mental capacities, creates a state of confusion for him and hence, those around him. He is still such a caring man and he tries his best to treat others with respect. He has more than earned the dignity and respect we all feel for him.

Each day I have been in their home, Pop shuffles around from place to place trying to do his daily tasks: fixing his breakfast, taking pills, getting the mail, taking out the trash and checking on his son's boat, which is parked at the end of the condo.

Almost each day, Pop goes over to the table behind the sofa and picks up one picture at a time. He holds the frame very close to his eyes and stares for a few seconds. Then he carefully picks up the next photo and continues, until he has looked at a picture of each of his awesome grandchildren and his precious great-grandson. He seems to try to memorize their faces and you can tell he's reminiscing about each one in a very personal way that brings him great joy! It brings tears to my eyes to witness such a private moment, but Pop has reminded me of a valuable blessing.

The blessing of "looking closely". Our country is being reminded right now about being thankful for the small things: drawing close to our families, our homes, our friends, our God. Our extravagances may be a thing of the not so distant past, and our futures may look very different than we imagined only a year or two ago. How closely have we really looked at our blessings? The blessing of salvation because of Christ's death for us on the cross. The precious people in our lives that we take for granted. The freedom of worshiping and serving God in an open and free society. The ability to create a career for ourselves and change course whenever we want. The levels of safety we experience, when compared to much of the rest of the world. We need to examine, appreciate and rejoice in these blessings and we need to worship and praise the God who bestows these blessings so freely.

I don't know how much longer Pop will be able to "see" those much-loved faces, whether in a picture frame or in the flesh. Some of those grandchildren are grown and living in a different part of the world. We don't know how much longer he will have his sight to enjoy the ones who do live closeby. My prayer is that he will be able to hold on to the vision of each loved one, even if it's just in his mind's eye.

My earnest desire is that you and I will thank God for the blessing of "looking closely" while we still have the time and ability.

"Look to Me, and be saved..." Is. 45:22
"I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go" Jer. 45:5
"Do not worry about your life..." Matt. 6:25
"Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things..." Is. 40:26

I pray that I will see more clearly day by day, be more thankful minute by minute, and get on my knees more and more often, as I look closely at my blessings and my God.


007 said...

I am soooo thankful that you have taken the time to post again. This is another choice sampling of excellent literary wonder and soul-searching spiritual bread. I am both humbled and honored to be the first to comment here.

007 said...

Now that August is here, its about time for another post, wouldn't you say?

007 said...

Hey ya'll, I just spoke (on Skype) with the author of this blog and I have some inside info for you. She is working on a project that is somewhat similar to Powerpoint, and she is planning to post it right here in the next week or so. So ya'll check back often and encourage her to Git-R-Done as they say. We are all anticipating great things here.

007 said...

Am I the only one who reads this blog? I thought there was a loyal following. I just reread my comment of Aug. 13 and saw that there was going to be a new post with something similar to Powerpoint, and it was going to be really, really neat. I thought it was coming in the next week or so. Since we can all see that has not happened, I will have to ask when might we see this?

007 said...

Your turn to blog now.

hxriley said...

Bev--thank you so much for your post! it drew me to tears. The lessons of 'looking closely', being thankful minute to minute-day by day, and drawing closer to God are all things that that we need and it's such a blessing to read something so beautiful...something that reminds us to take nothing for granted.....and be gently reminded of what's important.